5 years after the competitive exam of the faculty of medicine of Toulouse and university studies, I have successfully obtained my midwifery master degree.
I have worked in differents public and private hospitals in Toulouse, in Ariège and Pyrénées-Orientales. I had diverse job responsabilities such as antenatal consultations, antenatal ward for pathological pregnancies, emergency ward, labour ward, post natal ward...
After this french experience, I decided to open my mind in obstetrics. So, I chose to move to the UK, more exactly to London. I worked in Kingston hospital. This experience was amazing. My patients and colleagues were from all over the world. I could expand my medical knowledge. I like to say that I am a french and english midwife !
After more than 2 years spent in London, I decided to go back to France and I am using daily the gained british experiences in my work.